Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Crochet Afghan is a wonderful way to relax. You can do it while watching tv or waiting for the kids after school. It’s one of the most versatile crafts that you can take with you wherever you go. Just plop it into a bag and take it along and crochet while your waiting.

If you don’t know how to crochet an afghan it won’t take long to learn how. A couple of lessons and you’re on your way to magnificent designs. And lots of gifts to give everyone. And they will love the homemade touch. .

Here’s a crochet pattern that is easy to make for your first project. It’s not exactly a crocheted afghan but it will teach you the basic of Crochet Afghans.

The best time to start crocheting afghans

I started crocheting when I was 7 years old and haven’t stopped. I entered a world of creativity that has let my fingers do the talking. In designs that is. I have created doilies (the first thing I ever crocheted), afghans, sweaters, mittens, scarves, trivets, gloves, and just about anything else you can think of, I’ve made it.

It’s relaxing while creating something useful. crocheting afghans or any thing crocheted for that matter, are excellent gifts. It says you care enough to make them something. I like that part of creating something out of yarn.
A simply looking string that can be made into some so beautiful—it’s rather amazing at times. There are as many colors of yarn as there are kids. Yarn comes in every color of the rainbow and then some. There’s glittery yarn, shaggy, fuzzy, tight, gold stranded and silver.

Any and all kinds of yarn—you name it, it can be made into yarn. An excellent source of information is Crochet Afghan website. They have some wonderful ideas.

So, why is crochet afghan so popular?

In this day and age of machine made fabrics, home décor and clothing why is crocheting so popular? It’s because it’s so versatile. Within minutes of learning the basic stitch you can easily finish a scarf or afghan in less than a day. The more things you make you will see intricate patterns that you’ll want to create and they become one-of-a-kind. There is nothing more charming than to receive a hand-made gift from someone who loves you and you will know there’s no one anywhere else in the world that has your afghan. It will catch you in the heart.

No one seems to know when crocheting started some say as far back as the 1500s and some say it started in the 1800s. I don’t think it really matters, we can do it today and it’s one of the most versatile hobbies or occupations one can have as it’s also affordable.